APSense is my favorit network at this moment. I am a free member now but planning to upgrade as soon as funds allow it. But also as a free member you have lots of oppertunties to make connections, promote and brand yourself and your business and business oppertunities.
As a free member you can earn credits (you can spend for your own promotions) by preforming simple tasks.
You get your own business center where you can write a business profile and list your products, services, affilate partnerships and links.
There is a messaging system, you can create blogs and business blogs and more.
A very nice feature are the RevPages (short for revenuepages). Take any program or service you want for example from clickbank and create a revpage for it.
Make money: as a free member that is not so much, you can earn by referring others and sometimes to click on links. However the amount of credits you can earn is huge for which you can promote your campaigs to a huge audience, which is priceless.
Business Network for Online Marketers, Advertisers, Publishers...
Get Paid to Make Your Business Grow
Connecting to 75,000+ internet marketers.
Build your business network.
Free tool to promote your products or biz-op.
Earn % of Ad profits from your pages and networks.
Earn residual commissions.
Here is how it worked for me, in 5 Easy Steps:
STEP 1 - I registered and setup my personal and business profile.
Register for the social network ApSense
STEP 2 - Then I explored and joined a few APSense interest groups, they have so many.
SETP 3 - Then I started writing some useful blogs and group discussions content pages.
SETP 4 - In these pages APSense provide a special Ad Space where I posted advertisements for my current business.
SETP 5 - That was it! While I advertised my business, APSense was also paying me when people viewed my content pages.
My personal tip: write a testimonial for a person that is popular and that has many followers. This testimonial is visable on the profile of the person with your picture and a link to your own profile. Testimonials must be accepted so you need to connect and build a relationship with that person first.
But that\'s not all, they also paid me when the friends that I invited into my network do the same thing that I\'m doing. Of course this is one of the reasons why I\'m inviting you to join my network at APSense.
The business social network that pays you while you make your
business grow.
You can thank me later!
Best Regards,
I hope you liked this post. If you do please subscibe (upper right corner) to my blog to receive information about programs I can recommend but also tips and tricks in general about many aspects from on-line marketing.
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