Hits: 207
Nov 10th 2010 05:30
About: You can get your free Traffic Sword page if you only click 4 links. Than the only thing you need to do is promote this page on a few pages fe. in TE's and forget all about it.
Recommended Features
- Free to join
- Free Traffic
- No need to read emails
- No need to click once you have your page
- Stats available, links are editable.
Review on Traffic Sword 4 free Viral Traffic
This is a service I like very much. When you have more email addresses you can create more.
After you clicked 4 links you get an email with a confirmation link in it you must click.
After that you can insert the program or service you want to promote. Your link will be on top.
When somebody joins through your link on their page their link will be on top and your link will be second, and so on.
The nice thing about it is that you can change your link. You might want to do that if you promoted a program you are no longer a member of or just want to give another link more exposure.
You can also become an affiliate for free for programs of the same owner. There are also advertising packages but this is optional.
So I can really recommend this one!
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